
Project: Asilomar Boulevard Stabilization Project

Client: City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering 

Comprehensive outreach to help residents understand a complex hillside stabilization project.

The City of Los Angeles contracted with a team of geotechnical experts to determine the best method for stabilizing the slope of Asilomar Boulevard in the Pacific Palisades area and mitigating the impacts associated with the Asilomar landslide. Leading the community relations program, KPA tailored a comprehensive outreach plan to address a range of concerns. After conducting a stakeholder analysis, KPA matched stakeholders with appropriate outreach strategies including organizing, promoting and facilitating community meetings to apprise the community of the potential geotechnical solutions under consideration. In addition, KPA informed residents of the impacts of the mitigation methods, eliciting their opinions and concerns in several proven ways. From door-to-door canvassing to mass mailings to meetings notices and project fact sheets, the KPA team helped residents understand the philosophy and methodology behind the mitigation efforts.


  • Stakeholder analysis

  • Community meeting planning and staffing

  • Door-to-door outreach

  • Graphic design: Mailings, meeting notices, project fact sheets

  • Press releases and media relations