
Project: Los Angeles County Transit Oriented District Toolkit

Client: County of Los Angeles Departments of Public Works and Regional Planning  

Preparing for the future by engaging the community today.

In order to prepare for as many as five additional rail stations throughout unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County as well as additional stations in the future, the County is currently developing Transit-Oriented District (TOD) Design Guidelines. These guidelines will provide a framework for a consistent approach to public infrastructure and transportation-related improvements to support land-use decisions in transit-oriented areas located within a ½ mile radius of the rail stations. Through a comprehensive community involvement strategy, KPA will identify enhancements that the community needs and supports.


  • Conducted stakeholder interviews

  • In-person and online community workshop facilitation

  • Outreach at pop-up events

  • Hosted student art contest to engage youth and families

  • Web page, fact sheet, postcard mailing and collateral material development

  • Social media messaging and advertising

  • Outreach conducted in English and Spanish