Improving Safety One Step at a Time

In April, we partnered with our friends at KOA for six small-group, socially-distanced walk audits in association with the City of Costa Mesa Pedestrian Master Plan. Nearly 50 community members joined us to provide feedback while walking around key areas of Costa Mesa, making notes of what makes streets feel comfortable for walking and what could improve safety and accessibility.  While we don’t like to pick favorites, it’s safe to say a highlight of the walks was when we were joined by our four-legged friend Mija.

Walk audit with Mija.

Walk audit with Mija.


The goal of the Costa Mesa Pedestrian Master Plan is to make it easier, safer and more comfortable to walk for recreation, commuting, and other daily needs, such as getting to schools or local businesses. We appreciate the support of the community at the in-person as well as virtual walk audits! And special thanks to the LA Times for the article highlighting the walk audits.

Jessica Padilla Bowen